Monday, July 5, 2010

And the first reveiw is in.....

Yesterday, I was driving with a friend on our way to a girls brunch. As we drove down Durango, we realized we'd made a terrible mistake. We were swimming upstream against a mammoth flow of AA conventionites leaving the Alamadome on foot and in car. After detouring our way through streets lined with crack houses and several bbq joints and several areas that resembled the set for The Wire, we finally made it back to 281. All that AA congestion got us to talking about AA and the irony of an anonymous bunch strutting their stuff through town bearing huge ID badges around their necks. My friend commented on the lovely column in the paper that morning by one of our local writers. She went on to say what a great writer she thought this person was. I agreed she was good but said that I thought the writing exhibited in my writing group surpassed her writing on many levels. So, this morning, I sent her a random sampling of my favorite bits from the blog - anonymously. If you want credit, tell me and I'll tell her who wrote what even though she doesn't know any of you. Anyway, this is her response:

"These are wonderful!!!!! You are right every bit as good - or better - than ____________"

Applause Applause! Applesauce! Applesauce!


Kathi said...

Yay- what fun! I've been imagining all those AA-ers downtown sitting around drinking their water and cokes and thinking, "Damn, what's a convention without happy hour alcohol!" Sorry, it's my warped sense of humor...I thought about writing a story as a matter of fact, but I'd probably offend 50,000 (at least) alcoholics...

I want more reviews...

debdeb said...

They drink so much coffee, I almost ran out! Good thing we don't have a no smoking ban in bars yet...or do we? Every recovering alcoholic I've ever known substitutes cigarettes, coffee and Jesus for the liquid high they gave up. Probably the same for other drugs. Makes me wonder about the religious right wing American resurgence....Are they recovering? hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Linda said...

IRONICALLY, while this post was being posted, I swam with your friend and she told me this exact story, very enthusiastic about whatever pieces you sent her anonymously. I had to agree--the writing on this blog surpasses so much of what I read out there! It made me want to go home with every one of you and stand over your computers and insist that you get your writing in the mail! I told her--as you did, Deb--that this group is way extraordinary and talented. She wants to start reading our blog. YAY!

Kathi said...

I always say I'm a recovering Catholic!! :) It's a good thing I'm not an alcoholic because I can't stand cigs OR coffee. Guess I'd have to become a sex addict...hmmmmm...

Mercedes said...

O.K. I'm trying to get a handle on this; anonymous comments about AA to an (as yet) anonymous friend,about our blog, swimming, and writing?... and the answer is - we're great! But are we still anonymous?