Thursday, March 11, 2010

Down The Rabbit Hole (our March Prompt)

Anyone can go down a rabbit hole; just ask Alice. The art is in the digging.

Finding a yielding spot in the earth, perhaps after a spring rain.

Digging deep, and then wondering what’s further down.

Widening the walls of the tunnel, until it’s become a cave, comfortable enough to stay awhile.

Burrowing sideways, a detour, where no one can find you.

Staying long enough that people forget to look.

Peeking out occasionally; remembering why you dug the hole in the first place.

Surfacing altogether, having become so rank that no one wants you around.

Besides, they know you’ll be back. You’ve always come back.

Always one more detour, always one more cave, until you can’t find your way back, even if you want to.

The soft spot in the earth where the hole began, filled in with shifting earth, mulch, now hardened by the southern summer.

There is no hole, there is only the cave.



Lea said...

I know about holes. I fall in, carpet, and put curtains on the windows.

Kathi said...

Holes can make us whole again... :)

longwing said...
