Friday, March 12, 2010

The Rabbit Hole, That Place I Go - March prompt

When I leave the sanctity and safety of my home
And enter the real world
It can feel complicated, foreign and often frightening
I am Alice wandering into the rabbit hole

He is my brother,
And yet
When I am with him I feel as if I’ve taken a canoe with no paddles
down a wild canal
into the rabbit hole
called my family
They are blood
And yet
My family members can be strange and improbable to me

If I ponder too long the plight of humanity I can end up on a path
that winds itself into the rabbit hole filled with anger and despair
That inward portal so easy to find fading upon entry

We all have our rabbit holes
Each full of bewilderment and incomprehension
How do we find our way out of the warren
when once inside we are induced to mimic the narcoleptic dormouse
and nod in and out of consciousness

What do we do when our rabbit hole becomes reality
Or is the rabbit hole reality
And our lives outside an hallucination

1 comment:

Kathi said...

I think we have the same family! Sigh...I love mine, but I've often felt that I don't really belong- that I'm a foreigner somehow- maybe an alien from outer space dropped onto their doorstep... :)