Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Night

In the last decade I've gone from being, I think it's okay to say this, something of a firecracker, to a bit of soft ember. I used to be kind of mouthy and now I just appreciate someone else opening theirs. I used to be outwardly brave, now I'm asking what the bravest thing is thing I can do each day? Sometimes it's brushing my teeth.
I used to deliver babies and now I help them, once their life is crispy with time, to die. I used to eat, as I guy I once dated said, rocks and bark. Now I dine on moss and truffles, gourds and pinot. I used to laugh as a peacock, and now as a lark. I used to be brittle and now I am tender.


debdeb said...

There are so many deeply drawn images here.... I love you as an ember eating moss and truffles...but, I'm wondering what the rock eating, say anything woman was like and when she existed and why she softened and matured from a hard cheese to a camambert. Post more!

Kathi said...

Yes, yes, yes- please post more! This inspires me to think about who I once was and who I've become. Great stuff, Kara!

Mercedes said...

I love the idea of the soft ember. An ember glows rather than sparkles, and throws off more heat.
It can also flare up brilliantly and unexpectadly!Keep writing, Kara- no one uses language like you!