Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring is a Cruel Beast

Spring is a cruel beast
It arrives surreptitiously
And cloaks itself with humbling beauty
It glides through our yards and gardens
Sprinkling pods and stems with blooms of color
It freshens the air
And makes cool breezes that ripple the curtains
Hanging in the open window
It brings rain so soft and gentle that you barely
Feel or see it
All you hear is the faint sweet whisper of the
Drip and drop
It causes leaves to sprout forth on the tree
While you gaze at it
What was naked and stark a second ago is magically
Clothed in lush green
It causes your nose to twitch rabbit like
As it detects the fragrant aromas of
Honeysuckle, jasmine and laurel

And then it cruelly and viciously bashes your body
Thrashes your system
It causes your head storm,
Your eyes to weep torrentially
while your head thunders
Your nose rains down upon your lip
Your chest convulses with quaking coughs
While your throat
Beds the fresh pollen in that moist safe haven

Spring is a cruel beast
Beware of spring.


Kathi said...

Cruel indeed! I'm so glad I am one of the allergy-free! My poor little grandson almost ended up in the ER last night- wheezing- probably from the oak pollen. Nobody in our family has allergies, but his dad does- yet his seem to be more animal related, so we're not sure why Abram has such a hard time- he's only 3...

Kathi said...

My car was covered with at least 3 inches (deep) of oak pollen this morning. It made me really feel for all of the allergy sufferers out there.

JanEO said...

and then it's all over so quickly!