Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Oh, Sleep,
why do you evade me?
What is it I've done
that you avoid
my bed?
I long for you, night
and night and night.
My desire takes me
into others’ beds,
where I see you
curled up next to them.
They, whom you favor with
dreams, wake up
and forget
you all day.
Yet, I,
who yearn for you
and dream of you
you ignore.


debdeb said...

This is so beautiful - and tragic

Kathi said...

haha! It was really done in the spirit of sarcasm - impromptu very early this morning when I finally got tired of tossing and turning. I used to teach "Apostrophe" to students, so it seemed appropriate that I write one to that ever evasive bed buddy called Sleep. Thanks!

JanEO said...

man, I didn't for a moment take it as sarcasm, I was really touched. Maybe that's because I usually awake around three, and then get back to sleep just before I have to get up at six -- long live the late morning nap!

Kathi said...

Well, thank you both! Maybe I should always write when I'm sleep deprived and feeling a big dose of sarcastic energy coming on...lol!

Mercedes said...

Hey thanks, Kathi,
You mentioned there was a name for the type of poem when I read my ode to death at writer's group. I was unfamiliar with the "Apostrophe" term, so I just learned something!

Kathi said...

That's right, Mercedes! I couldn't think of what it was called until I wrote this one. :)

Linda said...

What is it about three? I woke up at 3:15--which is precisely when I wake up every day. Often I go right back to sleep. Not today. I read this poem again (before driving to Shamrock, Deb!). So well said! So right on!