Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Stuff of Dreams

OK. This is not writing, ok, it's writing, but it's not creative. It's a true story about my brain and what it does when I am asleep.
I had a dream last night that the first woman president was my best friend...don't know who it was [maybe one of you?]. Anyway, we were hanging out at a private and little, but very casual, soiree just letting our hair down and who walked in but Sarah Palin. She came over and chatted and was actually very gracious and we were just shooting the breeze and then I said to my friend, the president, ya, Kit was laughing about all the public speaking you have to do and wondering how you remember everything. He wants to know if you write it on your hands and arms. There was an awkward pause while I remembered who was sitting with us. What would Freud say? Do I need to buy a Sarah Palin voodoo doll and a big pack of needles?


Kathi said...

I think you would secretly LOVE to meet Sarah just so you could say something to her face about her ignorance without really saying it right to her face. :) And I want to be there when it happens 'cause I have a few words of my own to say. AND YES to the voodoo doll, just for kicks (in the butt). I had a weird dream, too, but it had nothing to do with Sarah- it was an anxiety dream about leading services AND doing the D'var this Friday night- nothing was going right. Hope it's not an indication for tomorrow's service.

debdeb said...

You will be great! I may even try to make it since we aren't having services tomorrow night at TC. Are you in the Barshop? Did you write the D'var or steal it? If I can't be there, can you email it to me so I can read it?

Kathi said...

Haha! Thanks- I would love to see you there. Yes, in the Barshop, and yes, I wrote the D'var based on all the crazy nonsense from the ancient rabbis. I always have to laugh when I read some of their commentary- it's like, "Where do they get this stuff?" I'll be happy to send it to you, but I'm hoping you'll be there to hear it in person.

Linda said...

Once, when I had a therapist, I dreamed that Hillary and I were best friends. She was driving a car and I was in the back seat. Somewhere on Broadway, she asked me to get in the front seat with her and we sat in the car and talked about our lives. The therapist's interpretation: it was time to befriend my own power as a woman! Because, she said, in the dream, every person is an aspect of ourselves.