Thursday, April 1, 2010

Six Word story - this prompt is a real challenge! See what you come up with.

it rained today. she left him.

he returned from war without legs.

the house burned. the family died.

they left town after the robbery.

she stripped for fame and fortune.

he died while enjoying his mistress.

they were robbed while they slept.

he read the letter then jumped.

the bee stung her. she died.

she wrote songs about new york.

the homeless man was a doctor.

she got rich when he died.

they came out west in 1878.

he drank too much and fell.

the doorman stole the resident's money.

the bird escaped out the window.

he ate peanuts and died choking.

the parachute failed when he jumped.

it rained so much it flooded.

the wind blew the trailor away.

she died of a broken heart.

the lemon tree grew from seed.


KARA said...

These are great; so much loaded in 6 words. I like the one about the peanut

Kathi said...

All of them are very good! :)