Monday, May 24, 2010


In the final days
The blooms were bursting and bright
As each day ended
The fragrance wafted into her room
through the open window
Each breeze brought another scent
and a reminder of regret
She wondered why the curtain
was too heavy to flutter
and yet
The more magnificent weight in her heart
caused her to tremble
As she got up to take one last look out the window
she remembered why she came
When she gazed at the garden
she remembered why it was time to leave
It wouldn’t be long until each flower
genuflected to the power
of the frost that was on the way
The cold nights ahead would be the end
of this patch of garden
Then she would go
and plant again


Kathi said...

"genuflected to the power..." What a wonderful image!

Linda said...

Deb--I love the contrast--the weight of the curtains, the magnificent weight in her heart! And like Kathi said--"genuflected to the power"--powerful! I so enjoy your work, prose and poetry. I like the rhythm of this piece and the way your ear and eye capture extraordinary moments in the "ordinary" moments of nature and observation. I'm alone now. I will re-read your essay and put my editing hat upon my head and see if I can make a few suggestions that might (or might not) be helpful.